Denman Island Saturday Farmers Market
Local produce, food, arts, crafts, jewellery, and wearables.
250-219 8912
Open Seasonally - 5901 Denman Rd
Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Growers and artisans sell their vegetables, fruit, baked goods, arts, and crafts. Up to 47 vendors! Stay to eat and enjoy local music.
About Denman Island Saturday Farmers Market
About Denman Island Saturday Farmers Market
VeggiesThe vibrant ambiance of the Denman Island Farmers Market is the highlight of every Islander’s social calendar and a must-stop for visitors to pick up the week’s fresh produce, a few treats, or find a unique gift item.
Join friends at a picnic table and try local creations for breakfast or lunch while listening to local musicians. Many vendors have vegan and gluten-free options.
Every Saturday, from the long-weekend in May to Thanksgiving, Denman island growers, artisans, and crafts folks sell their delicious food, flowers, vegetables, fruits, baked goods, coffee, wines, ciders, breads, jams, honey, soaps, drinks, and arts and crafts.
Up to 47 Vendors, including…
- Corlan Vineyard & Farm – Wines, plants, strawberries
- Ima’s Kitchen – Israeli bakery and vegan frozen treats
- Ruby Slipper Ranch – Grass fed beef, pasture-raised pork, duck and chicken eggs, and pepperoni
- Standing Stones – Cold infused botanical vinegars, sea salts, tea, bath salts, soaps, tea towels, and more
- Pun’s Kitchen – Ready-made Thai food, Pad Thai, sprng rolls, shrimp/tofu salad rolls
- Two Roads Farm – Fresh locally-grown farm produce
- Other vendors provide honey, mushrooms, plants, jewelery, and more . . .
Held at the Marcus Isbister Old School site at 5901 Denman Road, there is also a recycling centre and a Free Store. That’s right, this little shop is full of gently used items from clothing to books to kitchen wares – all FREE. There is a donation box for those who can contribute.
The Denman Island Farmers Market on TV!
In 2018, an episode of Moosemeat & Marmalade was filmed on Denman Island and the hosts, Art Napoleon and Dan Hayes, stocked up on fresh produce at the Farmer’s Market.
Customer Comments
“All of the best from Denman Islands farmers and crafters. Everything from mittens and crochet to authentic Asian food, wine, kombutcha, gems and minerals, vegetarian food, bread, creamsicles (I love Funky Monkey!) and of course plenty of fresh veggies.” ~ Rem S.
“Sam’s vegetables are incredible! They’re fresh, vibrant, they are colourful, and they have that sense that they were picked at 5 a.m. with the dew still clinging to them.” ~ Dan Hayes, Professional Chef
“A great little market. Seems to also be a great meeting place for locals. Almost has an olden-day market feel to it. Highly recommend at least a trip here once.”